Tuesday, January 19, 2016

First Post

I learned a long time ago that if you are slightly weird and your thinking process falls outside of the norm, that blogging is not a good activity to take part in. My mind darts from subject to subject in a fairly wide range. I touch on so many things that very quickly the gammut of subjects I might cover in a weeks worth of blogging becomes much too much material for a regular person to appreciate or even tolerate.  This is understandable.  It is a facet of myself that I did not know about until I naively jumped into the arena of just writing whatever popped into my head on the internet without much direction or guidance.

So why am I starting a blog now?
Answer: Dungeons & Dragons. A few years ago I rediscovered First Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and then, like so many others, I discovered a large community on the web of like-minded folks in the exact same boat as me -- people who played AD&D in the 80s, then stopped playing due to life happening to them, or because 2e and later editions just weren't the same thing. I didn't know then what I know now about why the later editions of D&D sucked, but I they did set off my bullshit detector. I knew that I didn't like the art, that the new covers just got worse and worse and worse. Whatever that magic was of the original Players Handbook and Dungeons Masters Guide, the new editions clearly didn't have.

I didn't spend any time wondering why. I was growing up; there were bmx bikes, and then girls, and then rock music, and even parties to go to. Then college. I was in a series of rock bands, had a gripping social life and didn't miss it. One has to wonder what might had been different if Gary had retained control, unified and polished the product further. I might have been playing D&D in college and drinking cokes instead of cases of cheep beer.

My first thought and impetus to start this thing is to create a blogroll as a convenient way to organize all of the links I am discovering (there are too many).

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